Friday 30 May 2014


I know you a number of you are working on your Drumtastic challenge. I have some that are shared and not finished and I have some pinned on my wall that were completed using the worksheet. Here's some of the incomplete and completed presentations that have been shared.


  1. wow djae and Thomas you guys worked hard i still need to work on mine but keep the great work up


  2. HI guys i love how u all worked hard and tried ur best on ur prestion or google drawing
    keep the good work up

    from mya

  3. Wow Samantha I like your durmtastic presentation . Our culture durm is also like that too. I like what was made from. keep up the good work Samantha

    1. Hey Jane, I love how you have made a connection with a drum from your culture.

  4. Hey Mrs Eeles
    I love how you teach us new and new things. Which one I like was the Doumbek but i dontt know who It was from great work who ever did that? thank you Mrs Eeles love u missy

    from mya

    1. Hey Mya, you are so good at keeping up with the new posts and making comments, thanks heaps. The Doumbek work that you like was done by Ducati.

  5. Hi Mrs.Eels,
    I loved it how everyone did and tried to do a drumtastic presentation. They were so many different drums from so many different countries.
    I also like it how you help us and make our lives so interesting every week. Thank you for all the things you have done with us. It really has made a huge difference in our lives. What is the best thing you have ever done in dance/music?

  6. Hi miss eels the drumtastic challenges look great i even learned a bit more about my cultural drums.
