Thursday, 26 February 2015


Room 9 have been working hard learning to pluck songs on the C and E string. Today they were teaching themselves four songs - Freres Jacques, Mary had a little lamb, Go and tell Aunt Rhody and Ode to Joy. Next week will be there assessment before we move on to the A string. Here is Inotia, Eric, Irys and Mia showing playing what they have learnt so far.

MOV04476 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.

MOV04475 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.

MOV04478 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.

MOV04477 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rm 9,

    We are learning New Chords, I know How to Play All the songs but not go tell Aunt Rowdy.
    Lets keep On learning new chords

    From Mya
