Wednesday, 18 March 2015


This week we are completing our songs and adding ukulele chords. A number of groups are now practising. Listen to a little piece of Mere and Shaylah's song.

MOV04614 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.


  1. Hi Shaylah and Mere,
    Well Done on Singing i like how you practiced the chords and song. Keep up the great work.

    From Mya

  2. hi shaylah and mere i love your nice singing well done i liked all the singing

  3. Hi Shaylah and Mere
    I like how you were playing on the ukulele and also singing your song. I liked the Melody.

  4. Hi Shaylah and Mere
    I like how you guys were singing while you were playing the ukulele.

  5. Hi Panmure Bridge I am from Tamaki primary School and I really like how you guys explained what you were doing and how you worked together to make this song really good I hope you finished this song and blog it so I can watch it.

  6. i like the way you are singing shaylah
