Thursday, 23 July 2015


Music started back for the seniors this week. Years 7 and 8: Their focus is on creating a Sound Story and using Graphic Notation. They began with learning the song "Kiwi" They are also learning to play the recorder and will be participating in the Recorder Karate challenge. Years 4 - 6: Their focus is on Graphic Notation. They used symbols to create vocal sounds and created a piece of music with a partner.They also revised the notes they have learnt to pluck and learnt new songs. Rooms 7 and 8 learnt "Angel Band" and Room 9 "Sea Medley".


  1. Hi Aung Naing and Tai I really like the pictures that you choose.

  2. Dear room 7
    I like how your sound cards are perfectly in order. I like them because they have good sounds.

  3. Hi Juliet and Avalon I like how you guys were helping each other. I really like this because you guys worked together as a team.

  4. I like the stomp one better because of the sound.

  5. Hi room 7 I like how you guys have done nice patterns like your high sounds .

  6. Hi Sanujan and Liam your performance was great I know this is just a picture but the real thing is awesome

  7. I like the 1st video because the man was using his body.A part of the body is his feet and his hands.
