Thursday, 15 September 2016

Cook Island Rhythms

This week LS2 took a journey to the Cook Islands. We watched some videos and each of the classes had an expert from the Cook Islands to help. What a great effort.

MOV01243 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.

MOV01242 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.


  1. Hey Mrs Eeles,
    I think both yr 7 did awesome on there dance. I think that because you were a great teacher.
    Keep up the good work

  2. Hey Jasmine, that is a very nice comment from you. The ideas were the year 7's and I agree they did a good job.

  3. Hey Jasmine, that is a very nice comment from you. The ideas were the year 7's and I agree they did a good job.
