Thursday, 27 October 2016


This week the seniors recreated an air port scenario and air transport to make their dance.

MOV01358 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.

MOV01362 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.

MOV01363 from Bronwyn Eeles on Vimeo.


  1. Dear, Mrs Eeles and ls2

    I love how this video has creative air transports.I aslo like the fact how some people are doing nonlocomotor while others are doing locomotor.


  2. i really liked the year 7's dancing but i really liked to watch Eric because he is the best cousin in the universe plus well he is good at thousounds of things

  3. i really liked the year 7's dancing but i really liked to watch Eric because he is the best cousin in the universe plus well he is good at thousounds of things
